After a January full of new-year-new-you, it may be hard to stomach, but is it time to look at that tired old website and give it makeover? Sheer have just undertaken some renovations and we are proud to launch our new look – but it’s more than that, our site reflects the changes that have occurred in our business strategy over the last year.

To us, a website is a living, breathing microcosm of a business. It’s not just that it has to look good, but it should also reflect the dynamic nature of the business – the launch of new products, services and initiatives. We see many businesses that are successful but to anyone looking at their business from the outside, appear backwards, chaotic sometimes – downright un-professional.

This is revealing about the culture of the company, there is little or no emphasis placed on the future (or at least communicating where they are going). A culture of this sort suggests a type of “myopia” where the business is profitable now, but could one day fall off a cliff through a lack of innovation.

Part of the process of healthy entrepreneurial activity is “destroying” or discarding activities that are obsolete and adopting innovations that lead to a bright future. Having a website that make this process abundantly clear to the outside world is a self-reinforcing virtuous circle for positive change.

Ask yourself a simple question – is my business static? Are we heading for a self-imposed train-wreck by not thinking more about the long term? If the answer is yes then think about a new career, but if it’s no and your customers and other stakeholders don’t know where you are heading, then perhaps its time to start communicating these aims. The first place to start is your website. Having something that looks outdated is the career equivalent of going to an interview with your pants down – not clever and not pretty.

Talk to Sheer today about how we can help you convey the real dynamism of your business and crystalize the process of re-invention. What better way to keep on top of your business strategy than to communicate it to your customers, employees and investors. This way there’s no excuses – it’s time to deliver with a keen eye trained on the future.


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