It’s been a long a challenging journey – perfect UX, page speed optimised, SEO and SSL all done. Your brand new WordPress website is Live, so now it’s time to relax and forget about it for a while? Wrong! WordPress is an open source platform, which is often exploited by hackers. Putting your website in the back drawer and forgetting about it could cost you big. Here’s our top 5 reasons why you should regularly back-up and update your WordPress CMS and plugins:

 1. Protect against intrusion and hacking

Without regular updates to your CMS and Plugins your website is a sitting duck for hackers who use free software to scour the internet for vulnerable sites. WordPress is vigilant about keeping its software secure and its millions of users protected. But you can’t shield your website from attacks unless you regularly install and apply the WordPress updates. When you do, you’re fixing the problem before it starts.

2. Get more feature options

WordPress (and plugin authors) are constantly introducing new features and enhancements to make the platform more robust, versatile and feature-rich. So why settle for an outdated website when you don’t have to?

3. Make WordPress easier and faster

Constant improvements by the WordPress community make each version the fastest, highest-performance user experience available. Why let your company down with slower load times than the best you can offer?

4. Prepare your company for Change

At some point you may want to update or change the site to remain fresh and relevant. Maybe you want to add new pages or change the navigation. Perhaps a new add-on can make your website more attractive to your visitors. Often these changes require the latest version of WP. With your website up to date it will be easy to introduce these changes.

 5. Offer the best possible user experience

If you are running an outdated version of WordPress, visitors to your website may encounter a less than optimal experience creating frustrations which damage your business. Without regular maintenance you may never know about these problems until diminishing traffic sends up a red flag. Regular WordPress updates continually solve user experience issues

Sheer’s annual CMS and Plugin maintenance contracts allow you to mitigate the issues outlined above with peace of mind that your website is secure. Get in touch today – our options are surprisingly affordable when compared to the alternative of doing nothing, which could be very costly

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