So, you have a website, and maybe you have some data to tell you how many people have visited. But how can you leverage this data to generate leads? The great news is there is now a free tool out there that can really help. Leadfeeder ( formerly Wanapi) connects to your site via your Google Analytics account. The Lite version is free of charge and will send you daily alerts of the names of companies who have visited to your site. The platform works by matching visitors’ IP addresses to records in a vast online database.

After some months of trialing Leadfeeder – we have to say that it works fairly well. Although, on the minus side – visitors with a dynamic IP address (most likely to be consumers) are harder to identify than businesses with static IP addresses.

In addition to identifying the name of the visiting company, Leadfeeder can also be connected to your Linkedin account to pull through the names of people working there. The service also tells you the search-terms used and pages visited.

So how to convert those newly minted leads? Our recommendation is to steer clear of creepy calls like “Hey, we noticed you have visited our website”. A more effective approach is to initiate a discussion based on information they may have looked at. For example, the prospect may have been looking at a particular product – so perhaps discuss a promotion, or some new features/ benefits they could take advantage of.

Even tech-averse business owners can set this one up quickly within a few clicks (as long as you already have Google Analytics installed). For those without Google Analytics, Sheer Digital can quickly add this to your website for a small fee (we’ll even set up the Leadfeeder account for you).

Great value for small business owners who want to make the most of their web traffic, and particularly useful for improving the ROI of digital marketing or social campaigns.

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