Email marketing is essential for eCommerce businesses aiming to connect with customers, boost sales, and build brand loyalty. WooCommerce and Shopify, two prominent eCommerce platforms, offer seamless integration with various email marketing services. In this article, we will explore the top 3 email marketing platforms for WooCommerce and Shopify: SendPulse, Campaign Monitor, and SendGrid. We’ll highlight their key features, easy integrations with WooCommerce and Shopify, and Capterra ratings.

  1. SendPulse

SendPulse is a versatile email marketing platform that provides a wide range of features and integrations for WooCommerce and Shopify store owners. The platform focuses on offering easy-to-use tools to help businesses create engaging email campaigns.

Capterra Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars

Key features:

  • Omnichannel marketing: SendPulse supports email, SMS, web push notifications, and more for comprehensive marketing campaigns.
  • Automation: Easily create automated email workflows with SendPulse’s pre-built templates for scenarios like cart abandonment, welcome series, and customer reactivation.
  • Drag-and-drop editor: Create visually appealing emails using SendPulse’s user-friendly drag-and-drop editor.
  • Analytics and reporting: Gain valuable insights into your email campaigns’ performance with SendPulse’s detailed analytics and reporting tools.

Integration with WooCommerce and Shopify:

  • Simple integration: SendPulse offers plugins and apps for easy integration with WooCommerce and Shopify.
  • Real-time data synchronization: The platform automatically syncs your store’s data, ensuring up-to-date customer information and product details for your campaigns.
  1. Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is a popular email marketing platform that delivers a range of features for WooCommerce and Shopify store owners. The platform is designed to help businesses create professional, effective email campaigns with ease.

Capterra Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Key features:

  • Automation: Campaign Monitor provides a variety of pre-built automation workflows, including welcome series, abandoned cart recovery, and customer re-engagement.
  • Segmentation: Segment your customers based on factors like demographics, purchase history, and browsing behavior.
  • Drag-and-drop editor: Easily create professional-looking emails with Campaign Monitor’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor.
  • A/B testing: Optimize your email campaigns with Campaign Monitor’s A/B testing capabilities for subject lines, content, and send times.

Integration with WooCommerce and Shopify:

  • Easy integration: Campaign Monitor can be connected to your WooCommerce or Shopify store via plugins and apps.
  • Data synchronization: The platform automatically syncs customer data and order information, enabling targeted email campaigns based on audience preferences and shopping behavior.
  1. SendGrid

SendGrid is a powerful email marketing platform that focuses on delivering high-quality email campaigns with robust features and integrations. It is an excellent choice for WooCommerce and Shopify store owners seeking reliable email delivery and an easy-to-use platform.

Capterra Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars

Key features:

  • Scalable infrastructure: SendGrid is built to handle large volumes of emails, ensuring high deliverability rates and a stable platform.
  • Automation: SendGrid offers pre-built email templates and automation workflows, such as welcome series, cart abandonment, and win-back campaigns.
  • Drag-and-drop editor: Design professional-looking emails with SendGrid’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor.
  • Analytics: Monitor your email campaigns’ performance with detailed reports on open rates, click-through rates, and other key metrics.

Integration with WooCommerce and Shopify:

  • Easy integration: SendGrid provides plugins and apps for seamless integration with WooCommerce and Shopify.
  • Data synchronization: The platform syncs customer data, order information, and product details with your store, enabling you to create targeted email campaigns.


SendPulse, Campaign Monitor, and SendGrid are three of the top email marketing platforms for WooCommerce and Shopify stores, offering a diverse range of features with easy ecommerce integration. These platforms provide the necessary tools to create, automate, and optimize your email campaigns, helping your eCommerce business grow and succeed.

By selecting one of these platforms, you can take advantage of their seamless integration with WooCommerce and Shopify, ensuring a smooth and efficient email marketing experience. As you consider which platform best suits your needs, keep in mind the importance of ease-of-use, data synchronization, and performance analytics. With the right email marketing platform in place, you’ll be well on your way to increasing sales, improving customer retention, and fostering long-term brand loyalty.


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